How to make Miso 〜Japanese traditional seasoning〜

Making Miso lesson

I had a lesson to make miso.

Because I think that makes more delicious than making by myself.

And it’s so fun to make miso with my friends.

The best season to make miso is February

February is so cold in Japan.

We make miso during winter,and we wait during summer to be ready.

I will open miso in autumn like October.

The materials

・Soy beans 1kg

・salt 0.5kg

・koji 1.8kg (made from rice)

How to make Miso

1.boiled soy beans until it’s soft.▲

2.After the soybeans become cold,mixed the soybeans, salt and koji together.▲

3.mash them with a meat masher and make balls with them..▲

4.put the balls into a prastic pot.

※ wipe out every tool with alcohol to kill germs.


I payed lesson for 5100yen.

I payed the materials for 1000yen

I think I can eat miso over 9 months for 2 people.

After miso is ready, I will give my mon some.