Final Fantasy Musium at the Hirakata Park in Osaka.〜Mariko’s English diary No.7〜

I’ve never played Final Fantasy…..

I just watched it when my brother played.

Today, my partner and i went to the Hirakata Park to see the Final Fantasy Musium.

We payed 1,000yen for one person.

At the Entrance, we lent one special iPhone and a headphone.

When we walked along the route, we found the audio number at the each area,

When we put the number into the iPhone, we could hear the explanation about the area.

We could see the history of Final Fantasy.

I don’t know any stories, but I could feel the FF world.

The music is so magnificent. the drawings are so beautiful like pictures.

We enjoyed so much.

My partner loves Final Fantasy. So we bought some goods of FF.